In this podcast, Patrick from Pacific Instruments speaks about signal conditioning/data acquisition systems. I’m not sure if it’s possible with a good memory to remember the first million digits of pi (π), but with Pi (Pacific instruments) DAQ, we have a good chance to meas...
Today is “Pi” day! ByS.K2010-03-14Techno-Bab2 Comments (Picture courtesy Wikimedia) Today (2010-03-14) Pi Day. As ardent geeks, let us celebrate the enigmatic number representing the ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle = 22/7 or 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820...
About First n Digits of Pi This tool is used to generate first n (up to 100,000) digits of Pi. Reference this content, page, or tool as: "First n Digits of Pi" at from miniwebtool, ...
million 百万的意思
Here are the first 8336 hex digits of the fractional portion of constant "pi", (3.1415927... - 3) = 0.1415927..., needed for Blowfish encryption algorithm. I extracted them from the source code provided in BlowfishJ by Markus Hahn, ...
Some of the more common control and other special characters have single-letter short forms; we've already encountered `\n` for new-line; the others are listed in the table below. Note: a backslash followed by an *octal* (base 8) number up to three digits (between `\0` or `\377`...