the small size routers i own are: TP-link WR740Nv1 - 4MB flash size RAM / 32MB working RAM TP-link WR1043v2NDv2 - 8MB flash size RAM /64MB working RAM Bear in mind that, 4MB flash size routers, are not made for serious use and once you start to overwhelm them, they tend...
就发现官网有更新的固件(Firmware)版本 TL-WR740N 升级也很简单 边到这个路由器 然后 在浏览器里 输入路由器的管理地址 一般是 然后就点到 升级页面 当然 得先到上面的官网 ( 去下载最新的...
Hi there, My Tp-Link tl-wr1043nd v2.1 is completely empty, looks like it does not have firmware. Only the power light is on and when I connect lan or ethernet ports these lights stay on blinking but I can access to that is the url to configure the router. Thanks ...