Describe the behavior of an oligopolistic firm. How does the firm use game theory? What are the two types of game theory associated with competition? How do decisions change from the short run to the What market form characterizes competition in the supermarket industry in Australia...
Alberto NastasiSpringer Berlin HeidelbergCampisi, D., P. Mancuso and A. Nastasi (1995) ‘Dynamic Noncooperative Firms R&D Strategies in an Oligopolistic Industry’, in Operation Research Proceedings 1994 . Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 255-260....
Discuss under what circumstances a monopolistically competitive industry could become an oligopoly, could become a monopoly, could become purely competitive. Why would firms want to prevent arbitrage when they engage in price discrimination? Name and explain four strategi...
In this economic model is a high level of market concentration, which measures the extent to which an industry is dominated by a few leading firms. This term is used when the top five firms in the market have more than 60% of the ...
givesmorerelevancetothecompetitivebehavior(forexamplerivalryin anoligopolisticsetting).Itviewscompetitionaspricecompetitionaswell ascompetitionforproductandprocessinnovation.Accordingly,industrial organizationandantitrustliteraturehaveattemptedtointegratemoredy- namicandevolutionaryviewpointsintothestudies.Themajorchangeof ...
Japanese colour television firms' decision-making from the 1950s to the 1980s : Oligopolistic corporate strategy in the age of microelectronics. This thesis examines oligopolistic corporate stratgey in the age of microelectronics, based on the observation of the Japanese CTV firms whose oligopolisti....
According to [7], upstream industries such as railroad transportation, scrubber manufacturing and coal mining companies were thrown into competition with each other in a race to supply the electricity generating industry with low cost compliance strategies, leading to lower abatement costs. In our ...
In this context, countries and firms can choose to deploy different R&D and innovation strategies to enhance their economic performance; these strategies rangefrom radical to incremental innovationdepending on the distance from the technological frontier and the maturity of the industries (Acemoglu et al...
All these results are proved in the Appendix in the general case with heterogeneous multi-product firms, both home and foreign-based, engaging in oligopolistic competition. We show there that the results continue to hold without qualification, except for the effects of market size. An increase in...
In oligopolistic industries, increased cost saving opportunities via offshoring have a moderating effect on trade unions. In order to discourage mobile firms from leaving the country, unions accept lower sector wages. In effect, the negotiated wage becomes independent of workers' bargaining power and ...