下面我们就利用此方法为刚才的动画添加一个背景: 首先,将画布的大小改为200x150(Pixels),然后开启“Layers”图层面板,单击“Layers”图层面板右上角如图按钮,选择“New Layer”,在弹出的“New Layer”对话框中,为新层起一个名字,例如:background,钩选“Share Across Frames”复选框,单击“ok”按钮,“background”...
Layer”对话框中,为新层起⼀个名字,例如:background,钩选“Share Across Frames”复选框,单击“ok”按钮,“background”图层就成了共享图层,(如图8)左键按住“background”图层,将它拖到 “Layer 1”图层下⾯;然后打开背景图⽚,单击“矩形选择⼯具”,选择我们需要的背景,将其拷到“background”...
Note: If you save a PNG file as a bitmap file such as a GIF or JPEG, the graphic objects you manipulated in the PNG are no longer available in the bitmap file. To revise the image, edit the source PNG file and then export it again. Add a picture frame 1. Select Commands > ...
Clipart library offers about 20 high-quality Fireworks Png Gif for free! Download Fireworks Png Gif and use any clip art,coloring,png graphics in your website, document or presentation.
Interlace交错的GIF,简单的说,就是下载GIF图时,是先模糊后清楚,不必一次全下载完 使用Fireworks的技巧 1、Brush工具特能的性能:按住shift键用brush工具画出一条水平或垂直线后,释放鼠标,但不要松开shift键,在brush光标附近会出现一个小加号,用brush再画一条线(仍按住shift键),fireworks会把所画前一条线的终点和...
Note: If you save a PNG file as a bitmap file such as a GIF or JPEG, the graphic objects you manipulated in the PNG are no longer available in the bitmap file. To revise the image, edit the source PNG file and then export it again. Add a picture frame 1. Select Commands > ...
Flashy Text:The headline on this page isn’t a GIF; it’s vector text saved as a Flash movie (in this case, it’s a movie that doesn’t move). With the new Insert Flash Text feature, you can use vector text in Flash format instead of text graphics in GIF or JPEG format; this ...
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