firewalld open port android termux 在Android Termux上打开FirewallD的端口 FirewallD是一个用于管理防火墙规则的工具,它是Linux系统上的一个常见工具。在Android Termux上使用FirewallD可以帮助我们更好地保护设备安全。 本文将介绍如何在Android Termux上安装和配置FirewallD,并打开端口以允许特定的网络流量通过。 安...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于firewalld open port android termux的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及firewalld open port android termux问答内容。更多firewalld open port android termux相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人
operations can operate on firewalld configs when it is not running (requires firewalld >= 3.0.9). Note that if this is `no', immediate is assumed `yes'. port: # Name of a port or port range to add/remove to/from firewalld. Must be in the form PORT/PROTOCOL or PORT-PORT/PROTO...
Remove the iptables logging rule (unless you want to leave it there because you will regularly ping containers to identify them). iptables -I INPUT -i docker0 -p tcp --dport 9200 -j ACCEPT
port: # Name of a port or port range to add/remove to/from firewalld. Must be in the form PORT/PROTOCOL or PORT-PORT/PROTOCOL for port ranges. rich_rule: # Rich rule to add/remove to/from firewalld. service: # Name of a service to add/remove to/from firewalld. The service ...
configs when it is not running (requires firewalld >= 3.0.9).Note that if this is `no', immediate is assumed `yes'.port: # Name of a port or port range to add/remove to/from firewalld. Must be in the form PORT/PROTOCOL or PORT-PORT/PROTOCOL for portranges.rich_rule: # Rich...
firewalld_port{'Open port 8080 in the public zone':ensure=>present,zone=>'public',port=>8080,protocol=>'tcp',} Example in Hiera: firewalld::ports:'Open port 8080 in the public zone':ensure:presentzone:publicport:8080protocol:'tcp' ...
Forward-port:将指定的TCP或UDP协议的数据包转发到本机的其他端口、或另一台机器,或另一台机器上的其他端口。Port和to-port可以是一个单独的端口数字,或一个端口范围。而目的地址是一个简单的IP地址。命令格式为,forward-port port=Number_or_range protocol=protocol to-port=number_or_range to_add=address ...
1、firewall-cmd:是Linux提供的操作firewall的一个工具;2、--permanent:表示设置为持久;3、--add-port:标识添加的端口; 1 2 3 另外,firewall中有Zone的概念,可以将具体的端口制定到具体的zone配置文件中。 例如:添加8010端口 firewall-cmd--zone=public--permanent--add-port=8010/tcp ...
Range of port numbers such as 5900-5910 Aliases such as nfs, rsync Note You can add multiple values into each field. Values must be separated with the comma and without the space, for example: 8080,8081,http After adding the p...