禁止Web文件: 可以定义web文件下载的最大值。请注意:该项只能对http网址起作用。 被封堵时,可以选择显示封堵提示页面(页面内容在“系统配置-封堵提示”中配置),也可以重定向到某个网址。例如:当员工访问被禁止的网址时,显示封堵页面,提示员工“不要在上班时间访问不相关网站”。
如,规则1:iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT规则2:iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s DROP,想达到除了192.168.1.11以外的其它人都可以访问web服务的效果,结果192.168.1.11还是可以访问web服务。 将命中频率更高的规则放在前面,这样可以提升防火墙...
如,规则1:iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT规则2:iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -s DROP,想达到除了192.168.1.11以外的其它人都可以访问web服务的效果,结果192.168.1.11还是可以访问web服务。 将命中频率更高的规则放在前面,这样可以提升防火墙...
public FirewallPolicyFilterRule withAction(FirewallPolicyFilterRuleAction action) Set the action type of a Filter rule. Parameters: action - the action value to set Returns: the FirewallPolicyFilterRule object itself.withRuleConditions public FirewallPolicyFilterRule withRuleConditions(List ruleConditio...
WFilter(超级嗅探狗)4.1版本中新增了“网页推送”功能,可以在满足指定条件时给客户机来推送web页面,它可以用于企业公告、内容推送、报表推送等功能的实现。 本例中,我们将演示如何使用WFilter进行网页推送。 [B]1.WFilter配置[/B] 1.1 配置上网策略 打开WFilter 进入到“监控配置” -- “封堵策略级别配置”,点击...
WebKnight.This WAF offered by Aqtronix supports Microsoft IIS and works as an OWASP Enterprise Security API filter that secures web servers by blocking bad requests. It's also useful against SQL injections, zero-day attacks, buffer overflows, hotlinking, and brute force and character encoding atta...
Security Parameter Filter(SPF) http://spf.codeplex.com/ 一款ASP.NET HttpModule 3. WAF的特性 3.1 异常检测协议 Web应用防火墙会对HTTP的请求进行异常检测,拒绝不符合HTTP标准的请求。并且,它也可以只允许HTTP协议的部分选项通过,从而减少攻击的影响范围。甚至,一些Web应用防火墙还可以严格限定HTTP协议中那些过于松...
Security Parameter Filter(SPF) http://spf.codeplex.com/ 一款ASP.NET HttpModule 3. WAF的特性 3.1 异常检测协议 Web应用防火墙会对HTTP的请求进行异常检测,拒绝不符合HTTP标准的请求。并且,它也可以只允许HTTP协议的部分选项通过,从而减少攻击的影响范围。甚至,一些Web应用防火墙还可以严格限定HTTP协议中那些过于松...
Because hackers persist and innovate, the nature of inbound attacks changes. WAFs need to operate from a proactive set of security policies that protect against known vulnerabilities in the web app. To filter out various types of malicious traffic, each security policy must be kept current, in ...
How to whitelist websites in WFilter? In WFilter NG firewall, whitelist a website is very simple. You simply need to put the domain in the allowed list of “web filter”. Screenshot as below: However, real world webpages can be complicated. For example, webpage A also includes resourc...