The ['collectionName1', 'collectionName2'] is OPTIONAL, you can remove this parameter to get all of the current collections in your firestore. The result is an object of collection's data. const{backups}=require('firestore-export-import')backups(firestore,['collectionName1','collectionName2...
getAll(...documentRef: DocumentReference[]): Promise<DocumentSnapshot[]>;/** * Fetches the root collections that are associated with this Firestore * database. * * @returns A Promise that resolves with an array of CollectionReferences. */ ...
如文档中所述,通过Node.js的Admin SDK,您可以使用listCollections()方法列出文档引用的所有子集合。
尝试从react-native项目中firebase的Firestore的根级集合内的文档中读取所有子集合。不太确定要遵循哪个文档(web-can't do getCollections() /node?)导入了Firebase,并且我已经成功地从firestore中检索到了其他数据,但我从未能够读取子集合数据。可以读取集合i ...
文档投票 我终于找到了解决办法。 Victor 与文档数据很接近。 const racesCollection: AngularFirestoreCollection<Race>; return racesCollection.snapshotChanges().map(actions => {...
Collections cannot be created or deleted directly - they exist only as implicit namespaces. Once no child documents remain in a collection, it ceases to exist. Example: $collection = $firestore->collection('users'); Parameter Name Description name string The name of the collection. Returns ...
How do I sync multiple collections? You can install this extension multiple times and set a different Firestore collection path for each instance. Read more here How do I backfill just a single collection, when I've installed the extension multiple times? See the last bullet point under the ...
似乎无法理解arrayContains是否在Firestore中的subCollections上工作。 .collection("all_chatrooms") .collection(&qu 浏览5提问于2020-09-22得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 如何在网格视图中获得特定的项目? 、、、 我和Firebase Firestore一起在Gridview in Flutter工作。我试图只获取来自用户的uid与Firestore中的记录匹...
如何获取所有businesses集合的所有candidates[sub]集合 因为您知道子集合的名称(即candidates),您可以使用...