The Seattle death metal act 7 Horns 7 Eyes came right out of the gate as a Christian band. That's clear on their 2012 debut album,Throes of Absolution. The opening track, "Divine Amnesty," contains lyrics such as,"O my God, come down in power / Engulf this man in the cleansing...
Here's what's new and interesting in entertainment and the arts:Kathy Griffin has been widely criticized for a gory photo shoot with Donald Trump's (fake) headThen she apologizedBut President Trump didn't accept Griffin's apologyNeither did First Lady Me
No band goes out of its way to kill its fans.'" Nevertheless, the trial lasted from July 16 to August 24 of 1990, by which time the judge dismissed the case after ruling that the alleged “do it” message was an accidental sonic mix-up in the background lyrics. (ER) 49. Sepultur...