FIRES IN THE DISTANCEhas today shared a new live music video forHarbingers, featuring acclaimed producer and composer Randy Slaugh, with videography handled by Jayson Cessna (Astralborne) and Stetson Whitworth and audio for the clip captured by Dave Kaminsky of Studio Wormwood and Power Stati...
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104 2021 8/2/2021 USA CA Spontaneous combustion on street 103 2021 7/30/2021 Australia - MegaPack MegaPack catches on fire at Victorian Big Battery
While I don’t want to dwell on what this rich man might think, I am intrigued by Musk’s reference to Earth in this context.“Let’s see how Earth responds to that,” he says when challenged by Andrew Ross Sorkin. Does he meanthe people of Earthare on his side and want more ads...
visible from Seething Lane, near the Tower of London, where Samuel Pepys first noted them without concern: Some of our maids sitting up late last night to get things ready against our feast today, Jane called up about three in the morning, to tell us of a great fire they saw in the ...
"First static-fire test of a Falcon Heavy center core completed at our McGregor, TX rocket-development facility last week," SpaceX representatives wrote on Twitter today (May 9), as an accompaniment to an 18-second video of the rocket test. When ready to go, the two-stage, 230-foot-tal...
(Aug 21, 2011) TX Homeowner said: I've just learned about the FPE Stab-Lok panels and although, after having the panel for 50 years and having no problems until today, I am replacing the panel and all breakers tomorrow. It will cost $2,000 but if it saves the life of me and my...
an Aluminum Wiring Repair Methods UPDATE-CLASS [Power Point Presentation]in Dallas TX. These were trained licensed electricians who are informed and conservative in their practice. The company's position was that they would not use an connector that was not CPSC-recommended, notwithstanding its UL ...
Another smart meter was damaged in Noble Park in November. Details emerged today when a whistleblower claimed there were serious safety concerns about meters blowing up, sparking calls for a rollout suspension. Distributor Jemena’s managing director Paul Adams denied the claims, saying meters had...
Cars crowd roadways evacuating Paradise, California as the Camp Fire threatened the town in November. Shutterstock Sign up for Route Fifty Today Your daily read on state and local government email Register for Newsletter Featured eBooks Insights & Reports Leveraging a W...