So far this week, firefighters have knocked down two of the large wildfires burning in the state, CalFire says. The Tenaya fire in Yosemite Valley and the Antelope Fire in Kern County are both 100% contained. Firefighterscontinue to battle 10 major wildfires across California, covering 464,414...
The article reports on the termination of AXA Rosenberg and Goldman Sachs Asset Management as equity and fixed-income managers, respectively by the Kern County Employees Retirement Association. The reasons for the move include a reputational issue and poor performance. The pension fund hired PanAgora...
Migrant volunteers worked this week amid news reports of widespread immigrationsweeps in Kern Countyandfalse reports of immigration arrests in Los Angelesthat had many on edge. “It’s unbelievable that we are facing this situation and then on top of that we have to worry if theMigrais on the...
Butkiewicz echoed those sentiments. “The logistical and operational needs required to move water from a water bank in Kern County to Los Angeles in a timely manner can only be suggested by those who aren’t informed on how water infrastructure works,” he said. ...
California residents, mainly in Riverside and Los Angelescounties.An estimated 123,400 and 113,735 customers were expected to be affected in therespective areas.An additional 172,383 homes from Kern, Orange, San Bernardino and Ventura County could have their electricity turned off during...
By the time the Tubbs fire was contained, it was the most destructive (5636 structures) and second deadliest (22 deaths) wildfire in California's history [33]. The Nuns Fire burned in eastern Sonoma County affecting the Sonoma, Glen Ellen, and Kernwood communities while burning 22,877 ha ...
22,771 EXHIBITIONS TOOK PLACE IN OVERSEAS 2020 (1,877) Cameron Jamie (solo)01.02 - 03.07Gladstone Gallery (Brussels) (Brussels, Belgium) (8)(5) El oro de los tigres (group)01.04 - 03.14Air De Paris (Paris, France) (1)(18) Marius Bercea - Thieves of Time (solo)01.04 - 02.02Fran...
Wildfires have ravaged portions of Los Angeles County, displacing more than 150,000 people who have had to evacuate or have lost their homes. In the face of the unprecedented disaster, national companies, local businesses, nonprofits, individuals and communities are coming ...
Here’s what’s new and interesting in entertainment and the arts: Kathy Griffin has been widely criticized for a gory photo shoot with Donald Trump’s (fake) head Then she apologized But President Trump didn’t accept Griffin’s apology Neither did First Lady Melania...