Dark Reader Chrome and Firefox extension chrome-extensionfirefox-addonaccessibilitynight-modedark-themeeye-caredark-modedarkmodenightmode UpdatedMar 3, 2025 TypeScript dailydotdev/daily Star19.2k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions daily.dev is a professional network for developers to learn, collaborate...
Resume I am testing the compatibility of my web application and found an error that is only happening in Firefox. The error happens even in the demo Expected Functionality Scan the qr code through the init event Actual Functionality The ...
Moreover, Firefox is an open source project where the code can be read by anyone. Chrome comes from an open source project called Chromium but the used version is a Google property. Same for Microsoft Edge or Safari for example. Firefox vs Chrome : which one fits to your need ? If you...
其中在代码执行后会跳出http://localhost:6571,这是javascript的window.location.href的用法,可以构造成这样的跳转链接: http://localhost:6571/reader-mode/page?url=https://wwww.anysite.com 在最后加入任意网站URL就能配合其它漏洞进行利用,形成对用户信息的进一步威胁。 本地文件加载过程的XSS触发 可以用该漏洞来...
Mozilla has released Firefox 8.0 for iOS with several notable new features including a Night Mode, a built-in QR code reader, and a redesigned tab experience. Changes to the web browser's tabs mean users now see recently visited sites whenever they open up a new one, combined with highlight...
11、URL2QRCode - Firefox 附加组件 将链接转换为二维码 12、User-Agent Switcher 切换用户代理,偶尔能...
the QR reader on mobile the full-screen capture tool Interface and user experience You are a tech addict and no interface fears you? You are not familiar with technology? According to your abilities, you’ll choose one or the other. Even thoughboth browsers are quite easy to use, Chrome ...
Additional features include a reader mode and password managers, offering basic yet practical functionalities. Shortcomings: Lacks user satisfaction in terms of high-performance capabilities. These are the best Mac browsers you can use in 2024. However, if you are on Mac, websites may appear ...
http://localhost:6571/reader-mode/page?url=https://wwww.anysite.com 在最后加入任意网站URL就能配合其它漏洞进行利用,形成对用户信息的进一步威胁。 本地文件加载过程的XSS触发 可以用该漏洞来触发一些手机本地的文件加载,扫码后,就有加载本地文件,以file:///test.html为例:内联...
639884 Teach packaging code how to create RPM files from normal builds 639885 Crash [@ memmove ] via mozilla::layers::ReadbackManagerD3D10::ProcessTasks 635794 nsRawReader::DecodeVideoFrame should use nsAutoArrayPtr 656277 Prevent loading WebGL textures from cross-domain images ...