repo=updates-released-f40&arch=x86_64 [Could not resolve host:]; Last error: Curl error (6): Couldn't resolve host name for [Could not resolve host:]","cod...
In Firefox , for large canvas size , an exception is thrown : Exception columnNumber: 0 data: null filename: "https:...js" lineNumber: 11572 message: "" name: "NS_ERROR_FAILURE" result: 2147500037 stack: "CanvasRenderer
有关d3.js的使用可以查看官网方法返回指定元素的最小边界, 不过在Firefox浏览器上,该方法偶尔会返回'NS_ERROR_FAILURE'的错误。原因是当目标元素的display属性被设置为'none'时,Firefox认为此时无法获取到元素的边界值(元...
Now every time when I start Firefox I get an error box: Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIRDFContainer.Init] I close this and another box opens: what happened:TypeError: this.installDir is null I close this and Firefox then starts. I read somewhere about c...
NS_ERROR_FAILURE: Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMHistory.pushState] 我不理解这个错误--如果你在FireBug中使用javascript控制台在火狐的任何页面上执行相同的代码history.pushState(null,null,"#test"),它就能正常工作-但在这种特殊的情况下,它就不能工作。 我还试图在当前...
Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMHTMLDocument.execCommand] [在此错误处中断] document.execCommand(command,false,''); 真是相当蛋疼。。。 后来查了FF开发文档原来必须要设置designMode后才可以执行execCommand,看来富文本编辑器要兼容就必须要在iframe中进行操作了。
693615 element.lookupNamespaceURI(null) in text/html page cause NS_ERROR_FAILURE error on XrayWrappers 718202 Crash @GetCollectionForType with __proto__ 718206 spdy socket transport event bugs 718210 spdy hdr decompress context screwed up by server push ...
*@return error code reflectingread status */ //从输入流中通过只读方式获取下一个字节 nsresult Peek(PRUnichar& ch, PRUint32 aOffset=0); //从输入流中通过只读方式获取下一个字节 nsresult Peek(nsAString& aStr, PRInt32 aNumChars, PRInt32 aOffset =0); ...
Status: Not active (NS_ERROR_GENERATE_FAILURE(NS_ERROR_MODULE_SECURITY, SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN)) Secure DNS is ON with custom DNS url set and proper Root and Intermed… (閱讀更多) 由Sajeev Sasidharan 於5 天前 詢問 firefox Firefox 133.0 Firefox 133.0.3 privacy-and-security 0 回覆 0...
Mozilla FireFox Gecko内核源代码解析 (1.nsParser) 中科院计算技术研究所网络数据科学与工程研究中心-信息抽取小组 耿耘 前言: 在Web信息抽取的工作过程中,我们主要处理的都是经过各种处理HTML格式文档,而无论是DOM方式还是视觉方式的信息抽取,