Randomly (differs every run of the tests), some portion of the tests will fail on Firefox with an error frompage.goto, just statingNS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT. This appears to be an error internal to Firefox, and probably is a 408, from what I can gather from Google. Locally on macOS, I ...
Message: Test method UIAutomation.SpecFeatures.GetAStockQuote_Buy threw exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Error: NS_BINDING_ABORTED (SessionNotCreated) TestCleanup method UIAutomation.SpecFeatures.TestTearDown threw exception. System.NullReferenceException: System.NullReferenceException: Object refere...
563322 Does nsGenericHTMLElement::SetInnerHTML need to call scriptloader->SetEnabled(...) 129147 nsIsIndexFrame::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent *) hides nsBlockFrame::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext *, nsGUIEv… 669820 [TI] Permaorange on WinXP debug - buildbot.slave.commands.TimeoutError: command timed...
565、network.cookie.lifetime * cookie生命期设置 566、 network.cookie.lifetime.behavior * (只有在network.cookie.lifetime.enabled值为true时才能应用)决定cookie过期的时间。如果为1,则日期由 network.cookie.lifetime.days决定。 * 0 : Cookies expire at end of current session * 0:cookie在当前会话结束...
+ import flash.external.ExternalInterface; + import flash.net.SharedObject; + import flash.system.Security; + import flash.utils.ByteArray; + import mx.utils.Base64Decoder; + import mx.utils.Base64Encoder; + + // a map of ID to Socket + private var mSocketMap:Object; + + // a count...
616401 nsHTMLCanvasElement::GetContext ignores JS exceptions 747629 java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: getChars (a ... b) ends beyond length c or has end before start… 690135 create scope objects eagerly or not at all (and don't break the debugger) 673752 Every error page fires onLocati...
@config = { skip_request_errors: [{ error: RuntimeError, message: "404 => Net::HTTPNotFound" }] } In this case, provided message: will be compared with a full error message using String#include?. Also you can use regex instead: { error: RuntimeError, message: /404|403/ }. re...
57 common/cmd_nand.c Image header has correct magic number -58 common/cmd_nand.c Error reading Image from NAND device 58 common/cmd_nand.c reading Image from NAND device OK -60 common/env_common.c Environment has a bad CRC, using default 64 net/eth.c starting with Ethernet configuration...
670082 When setting Sync options for the first time, clicking Done does nothing [error: Weave.Engines.get("… 655630 Intermittent failure in test_play_events.html or test_play_events_2.html | Last event should be canp… 663823 Cross-domain textures generate NS_ERROR_FAILURE instead of NS_ER...
584680 nsWindowsDllBlocklist.cpp compilation failure on mingw 633833 Add 'function' keyword to all the single function JSD interfaces 631788 Assertion failure: unexpected constantly false guard detected, at jstracer.cpp:4444 632817 Cannot filter search for NET events in the Web console ...