首先可以尝试选择该应用程序的启动文件,就是你平常双击启动的那个图标,选择右键,属性,然后找到兼容性,然后选择在兼容模式下运行该程序,兼容模式选择Windows XP SP3,然后再将最下面一项,以管理员身份运行该程序选上,看看是否可以解决问题。如果不行,可能因为Windows 7 最新的版本还是RC版本,不是正式...
调试环境:Windows XP sp3+OD+Firefox3.6.16 方法:Ret2libc之VirtualProtect 在开启DEP情况下如果程序从堆栈中是不能执行指令的,不过使用API函数VirtualProtect 可以修改指定内存为可执行属性。布置好参数并跳至VirtualProtect函数即可绕过DEP保护。漏洞触发的位置:大概思路就是先确定可以控制的寄存器。这里这个漏洞的话...
XP SP3 补丁只到2010 一直没出过任何问题 火狐15.0.1 sandboxie3.72 用破解补丁的 蓝屏时的信息: STOP:0*0000008E(0*C000005,0*F57BA1D6,0*BA3F4850,0*00000000) NV4_mini.sys_Address F57BA1D6 base at F5790000,DateStamp 48ebd3e6 w1451338187 校长之怒 11 EVA柿子 简洁主义 12 hdtune,mh...
It has been suggested to me that I need I need a downloadable offline version of a browser suitable for running under windows XP professional version 2002 sp3 that will also be compatible with HTML5 - whatever it is it will need to be something I can download on a windows 10 machine as...
Explanation: Firefox 3.5 on Windows XP SP3. String Sawyer Aaron - thanks. Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5 Explanation: Firefox 3.5 on OS X (Leopard). String Dave Myron - thanks. Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; OpenBSD i386; en-US...
I am using Mozilla Firefox version 3.6.3 on a desktop PC running Windows XP HE SP3. I keep setting preferences in Firefox by going into Tools>Options then clicking on the Preferences tab and under History in "Firefox will:" I am selecting "Never remember history". I then click OK. The...
While still using XP SP3, I've been using Firefox as my default browser for several years. A few days ago it was still working fine and then later the same day, when attempting to go online, this message appeared: "firefox.exe - Application Error "The application failed to initialize...
This is most likely happening because the installers are signed with a sha256 digital signature and Windows XP SP2 does not support sha256 digital signatures (SP3 does support sha2556 digital signatures). You may try the offline installer. Follow these steps 1)Download the uninstaller from: ...
I am running Windows XP HE with SP4. IE and the latest version of Firefox are installed. In both IE and Firefox, on attempting to install Flash Player with the standard link, I get an error message in a small window opens, title "getPlus+(R): Error," text "Unable to load a GUI...