您可以通过Firefox Add-Ons Store安装最新版的 AdBlock for Firefox。出现提示时,点击确定以接受 AdBlock权限请求并完成安装。 阻止Firefox 广告和弹窗 AdBlock for Firefox 保护你不受恼人的广告、弹窗和其他干扰骚扰。它会移除 Facebook、YouTube、Google 和您喜爱的所有网站上的广告。AdBlock 可让您永久阻止 Firefox...
The maximum file size accepted is 200 MB. If your add-on is larger than 200 MB, it will fail validation. If your add-on includes code that might be difficult to read, such as code created by minification or obfuscation, create a source code package. For more information on this requirem...
后 我总会这样使用:开了一二十个标签页,甚至更多,不好找,点一下onetab,找的很快,也不会把标签...
This is where any extensions or themes you have installed can be found. To download extensions, click "Find More Add-Ons" at the bottom of the page. You're now on Mozilla's storefront for add-ons. Click the "Extensions" tab to browse, or use the search box at the top of the scre...
On a suitable server, store details of the license key and a related email address. In the browser, store the license key with a hash code of the key plus some user private data, such as a pin code. When the paid feature is used, check whether the hash code is valid. If the hash...
首先这篇答案是用All-in-One Sidebar打开侧栏照打的...以下addons是经过自己精挑细选最终不得不用的...
9 Gmail add-ons: the best Gmail extensions for Chrome Gmail add-ons are browser extensions that you can integrate into Chrome in just a few clicks. With the right add-ons, you can extend the functionality of your digital mailbox with handy additional features. These include on-time, automat...
Add version.txt to root directory for shipit support (#24719) 13天前 webpack.config.js Refactor FXIOS-11276 Silence webpack warning for JS file size (#24527) 21天前 README MPL-2.0 Firefox for iOS and Focus iOS DownloadFirefox iOSandFocus iOSon the App Store. ...
Chrome Web Store Microsoft Edge Add-ons(Published by:Nicole Rolls) Opera Add-ons Development Builds uBO should be compatible with any Chromium-based browser. DoNOTuse uBO with any other content blocker. uBOperformsas well as or better than most popular blockers. Other blockers can prevent uBO...
Note thatMarkdown Hereonly works with Opera versions 16 and higher (i.e., the ones that are based on Chromium). Go to theOpera Add-ons store page forMarkdown Hereand install normally. After installing, make sure to reload your webmail or restart Chrome!