You should be noted that 64-bit Firefox only support 64-bit plugins, the 32-bit plugins cannot be used on 64-bit build. It can support any addons that are compatible with the 32-bit version as these addons are not compiled but interpreted javascript....
IT之家了解到,根据官方更新日志,本次维护更新修复了此前版本中从不同位置复制用户账户配置后会重置默认搜索引擎的问题。下载: Firefox 64-bit | Firefox 32-bit | ~50.0 MB (Freeware)下载: Firefox 108.0.1 for Linux | 64-bit | ~70.0 MB下载: Firefox for MacOS | 125.0 MBView: Firefox 主页 ...
Firefox无64位版本 Mozilla Firefox,中文名通常称为“火狐”,是一个开源网页浏览器,使用Gecko引擎(即非ie内核),可以在多种操作系统如Windows,Mac和linux上运行。Firefox由Mozilla基金会与数百个志愿者所开发,原名“Phoenix”(凤凰),之后改名“Mozilla Firebird”(火鸟),再改为现在的名字。2012...
Mozilla Firefox (64bit)74.0 Free Download Mozilla Firefox, is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation. It is one of the most popular web browsers used by millions of people worldwide. Firefox is known for its speed, security, and customization options. It ...
下载: Firefox 64-bit | Firefox 32-bit | ~50.0 MB (Freeware) 下载: Firefox 108.0.1 for Linux | 64-bit | ~70.0 MB 下载: Firefox for MacOS | 125.0 MB View: Firefox 主页 | 更新日志
Firefox 名称的括号内会指明它是32位还是64位以及语言。如果括号内有 x86,那么它是32位的Firefox。如果有 x64,那么它是64位的。 注意:你可以安装32位版本的 Firefox,也可以同时安装64位的 Firefox。从 Firefox 版本 67 起,Firefox 会创建 每个安装专属的配置(如果有数据丢失,请参看 在Firefox更新后找回用户...
Firefox for Linux 64 is a popular web browser among Linux users. With its fast performance, robust security features, and customizable interface, Firefox has become a top choice for many Linux enthusiasts. One of the key benefits of using Firefox on a Linux 64-bit system is its compatibility...
Firefox 20..软件小品基于Firefox 64bit 优化编译版制作。令火狐 64bit 在Windows 64bit 平台中发挥其极速性能。并引入了tete009 patches,优化了 JS, WebGL, D
选择火狐Linux64-bit版,下载后文件为:Firefox-latest-x86_64.tar.bz2。 2. 卸载自带的国际版火狐浏览器,打开终端输入 sudo apt-get remove firefox 3. 将下载好的压缩包解压,解压出的文件夹名为firefox,并将其移动到/opt目录下,输入指令: sudo mv firefox /opt ...