下载适用于 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 的 Firefox。Firefox 一款免费的网络浏览器,由致力于改善互联网健康与隐私的非营利组织 Mozilla 全力支持。
下载适用于 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 的 Firefox。Firefox 一款免费的网络浏览器,由致力于改善互联网健康与隐私的非营利组织 Mozilla 全力支持。
Download Mozilla Firefox for Windows 7 (32/64 bit) Free. Famous browser for personal devices. The program provides uninterrupted access to the network and uses advanced design.
Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64 Languages: Multi-languages Size: 48.9MB Publisher: Mozilla Corporation Updated: Mar 9, 2020 Clean Report SoftwareLatest Version Mozilla Firefox (64bit) 134.0.2 Old Versions Mozilla Firefox (64bit) 134.0.1 Mozilla Firefox (64bit) 134.0 Mozilla Fire...
默认情况下,火狐的下载会转到Windows的“下载”文件夹,但是你可以通过调整bro wser.download.folderList来改变 默认值:1可以更改的值: 0 -保存所有下载到桌面2 -保存到与先前下载相同的位置 7. 被问到你想把下载的文件保存在哪里 如果你想对你的下载有更直接的控制,并决定你想要把每一个都保存在哪个目录下,改...
Please note: from version 53.0 onward Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported.技术规格 标题 下载Mozilla Firefox 64-bit for PC Windows 87.0 Windows 系统要求 Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 98 Windows 10 Windows 2003 Windows 8 Windows XP Windows 2000 语言 中文 可用语言 德语 英语 西班牙语 ...
Installer For Windowsexe installerOfficial BuildDownload (mirror) Supported operating systems: Windows 8/7 64-bit edition and Windows Server 2012/2008 64-bit edition. Firefox Backup Tool If you often update and adjust your Firefox web browser, this Firefox Backup Tool can help you, it can be ...
Click on the Advanced installation options & other platforms link on Mozilla’s page if you only want to install 64-bit software, for that you should have a 64-bit Windows 7 (operating system). After clicking on this link you would see an extra window with all of the download links. Si...
具体操作如下:(适用Win7、Win8、Win8.1平台)1、安装最新Flash for Firefox正式版:http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/current/support/install_flash_player.exe 2、访问系统盘,修改mms.cfg,其文件所在位置如下:Windows 32位: C:\windows\system32\macromed\flash Windows 64位: C:\windows\...
Describe what you noticed and did Firefox does not work on Windows 7*64. In this case, Librewolf. Both in the classical version and in plus. The frame is also moving to the taskbar. v90-115. There are no problems outside the sandbox. How...