The rest of the song is just a repeat of what I tabbed with the above lyrics. After you listen to the song you should be able to figure out the picking pattern, it’s pretty basic (sort of like a slow than fast kind of thing). Anyway, hope this helps, it’s incredibly lovely to...
Software horns, keys, echoes, shakers, xylophones and pitter-patter drums provide a blippy, almost childlike backdrop, but it’s the pianos and guitars that really crack the song wide open. Its lyrics —“‘Cause I get a thousand hugs/From 10,000 lightning bugs/As they try to teach me...
Software horns, keys, echoes, shakers, xylophones and pitter-patter drums provide a blippy, almost childlike backdrop, but it’s the pianos and guitars that really crack the song wide open. Its lyrics —“‘Cause I get a thousand hugs/From 10,000 lightning bugs/As they try to teach me...