Fireflies in the Garden: Directed by Dennis Lee. With Ryan Reynolds, Willem Dafoe, Emily Watson, Carrie-Anne Moss. The Taylor family is devastated by an accident that takes place on the day their matriarch is due to graduate from college -- decades after
I stood for a minute before the firefly stall, and then told the interpreter to say that I must have all the fireflies in all the cages. […] I carried them all home in the horsehair box; and when everybody had gone to bed, I crept out into the balmy darkness of my garden, ...
Fireflies in Art: Emphasis on Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Edo, Meiji, and Taisho¯ Periods. Insects 2022, 13, 775. https:// Academic Editors: Barbara Manachini and Stefano Vanin Abstract: Examining how insects are represented in artwork can provide ...