This year so far, over 8,000 square kilometres in the territory have burned. Across Canada, figures from the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre shows more than 100,000 square kilometres have been scorched this season, an area roughly the size of Lake Ontario, Lake Erie...
Canada's record-breaking wildfire season has now seen 100,000 square kilometres of land scorched, an area equal to roughly the size of Lake Ontario, Lake Erie and Lake Michigan combined. Fueling the fire, the Canadian Drought Monitor shows vast areas are considered "abnormally dry," w...
Among her other recommendations, are that the city and the Coast Guard ensure that signage warning about dangers be installed in areas visible to boaters and that Transport Canada review its licensing requirements for people operating pleasure craft. In news release, the Montreal...
Additionally, impaired sleep may increase the risk of sustaining a musculoskeletal injury in highly physically demanding jobs, such as firefighting [5,6]. It is recommended that adults obtain 7 to 9 h of quality sleep per night for optimal functioning [7]. However, many adults are characterized...