While far from a perfect book, the tome sold nearly 3 million copies, which allowed more women to think about, discuss, and discover the "problem with no name" shaping their lives for the first time. Friedan's writing gave a voice to the anger and repression many women were feeling. ...
Getting your state entry-level firefighter certifications, such as Firefighter I and II, is a great move. You’ll still need to attend a department’s academy once hired, but this gives you a leg up and helps you learn the book and practical skills of the job. Joining a volun...
1. As a Battalion Chief, he was in charge of the 4th Battalion with 7 companies under his command. As a Deputy Chief, he was assigned to Chief of Training for one year before becoming the B group Tour Commander. He was also a member of the New Jersey Task Force team for five years...
June 18, 2015 1 Comment Cincinnati Rescue 9 Lt. Grant Light has the mic last month in the Heavy Rescue class at BGSU State Fire School. Read More » Page 1 of 3312345 » 102030...Last » Find us on Facebook First Due Tackle Latest What Other Time Is It… March 11, 20...