Check the daily weather forecast for a general idea of visibility conditions, but keep in mind that Yosemite weather can be unpredictable with abruptly changing conditions. That said, don’t get too discouraged if skies are cloudy during your visit. All it takes is a small break in the clouds...
The reason this is called “the Firefall” and not the Yosemite fire waterfall or something else stems from an interesting history of amazing visual displays in Yosemite Valley. Back in 1872, the owners of the Mountain House Hotel created a spectacle by pushing an actual bonfire off the edge ...
Firefall Ranch Yosemite caters to every desire. Explore the surrounding wilderness, bask in the sun by the sparkling pool, or gather around a crackling firepit beneath a blanket of stars. Whether you crave adventure or relaxation, Firefall Ranch provides the perfect setting to create lasting memori...