Unity editor version: 2021.3.24f1 Firebase Unity SDK version: 9.6.0 Source you installed the SDK: Unity Package Manager Problematic Firebase Component: Dynamic Links Other Firebase Components in use: Messaging, Analytics Additional SDKs ...
EDM4U in brief) with their.unitypackage, ex. OneSignal and Mopub. When you install Firebase through UPM, you will need to make sure all those libraries are removed before installing Firebase through UPM, since it will install External Dependency Manager...
最近使用unity2018.4.21f1 接入 firebase_unity_sdk_6.15.2的推送,打包到Android studio中,使用Android studio中发布apk 1.第一次是忘记了在 build.gradle 中加入库的依赖造成了这个bug,别关心我注释的地方,是…
打开的页面样式全部丢失了,原本高大上的报告变成了丑八怪。 顿时心都凉了一大截,要是让领导看到了,...
Firebase 的Unity依赖库,会根据项目的应用目标平台去下载对应的依赖包。 比如说“firebase-analytics-unity-6.15.0.aar”、“firebase-app-unity-6.15.0.aar”这一些。 我们游戏项目工程目标是 armv8和armv7的,但是我是用一个测试工程(目标平台是armv7)来导入Firebase的这些依赖库,然后复制到游戏工程里使用的。
unity3d Unity -未找到DllException:无法加载DLL 'firebaseCppApp-10_2_0'.在Android构建版本上是的,我也发现了这个问题,需要手动添加Firebase App(核心)封装,这应该是依赖关系,但看起来不是。如果您混合使用不同版本的库,可能会发生这种情况。您能否验证您使用的所有Firebase库都是同一版本?问题是,不幸的...
unity3d 如何取消注册Firebase Appcheck应用程序证明?听起来你已经为你的项目启用了应用检查,但实际上还...
Firebase Unity SDK Version 12.0.0 Unity editor version 2023.2.16f1 Installation Method .unitypackage Problematic Firebase Component(s) Messaging Other Firebase Component(s) in use Messaging Additional SDKs you are using Facebook, In app review, In app update ...
[REQUIRED] Please fill in the following fields: Unity editor version: 2022.3.0f1c1___ Firebase Unity SDK version: 11.3.0___ Source you installed the SDK: UPM_ (.unitypackage or Unity Package Manager) Problematic Firebase Component: FCM C...
Firebase Unity SDK version: ___11.9.9 Source you installed the SDK: ___ (.unitypackage or Unity Package Manager).unitypackage Problematic Firebase Component: ___ (Auth, Database, etc.) AUth Other Firebase Components in use: ___ (Auth, Database, etc.)Auth only Additional SDK...