从React Native访问Firebase中的数据,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,确保已经在Firebase控制台创建了一个项目,并且已经启用了Firebase数据库服务。 2. 在Re...
expo install firebase @react-native-firebase/app @react-native-firebase/auth @react-native-firebase/firestore 4. 初始化Firebase 在你的项目入口文件(例如App.js)中,添加以下代码来初始化Firebase: 代码语言:txt 复制 import firebase from '@react-native-firebase/app'; import '@react-native-firebase/auth...
1 include ':jcore-react-native' 2 project(':jcore-react-native').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/jcore-react-native/android') 3 4 include ':jpush-react-native' 5 project(':jpush-react-native').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_m...
当我在我的 react native 项目中安装任何依赖项时,以及当我使用链接命令时,例如 react-native 链接 react-native-gesture-handler 这会导致我出现图像 [1] 中显示的错误。它不构建项目显示错误 gradlew.bat 以下代码显示了我的 package.json 文件 { "name": "navigations", "version": "0.0.1", "private":...
React NativeYou can get token by this function, if the device didn't open Push Notification, you won't get the token, so you make sure that the user have opened the notifications.import messaging from '@react-native-firebase/messaging' if (!messaging().isDeviceRegisteredForRemoteMessages) {...
whether you choose to go with iOS or Android or both. Please refer toReact Native official documentationif you are setting up React Native development environment for the first time. You will need sdk tools and Android Studio especially to setup a developer environment for Android. For iOS, you...
React Native Firebase is a JavaScript library that enables seamless integration of Firebase services into React Native applications for cross-platform development.
"npx react-native run-ios --scheme Riptide-production", "ios:production:release": "npx react-native run-ios --scheme Riptide-production --configuration Release", "postinstall": "patch-package && yarn clean-modules && react-native setup-ios-permissions", "clean-modules": "rm -rf ./node_mod...
1.@react-native-firebase/app 2.@react-native-firebase/auth Setup ///ANDROID SETUP START/// 1.Login in firebase console. 2.Create a new project.Once you create a new project, you’ll see the dashboard. OR Open a existing project 3.Now, click on the Android icon to add an ...
Can Any one please help me setup for Google Analytics in iOS Platform Copy link Collaborator mikehardycommentedAug 26, 2021 You can't do this: "@react-native-firebase/analytics": '^ 12.7.3' "@react-native-firebase/crashlytics": "^11.5.0", "@react-native-firebase/messaging": "^11.5.0"...