初始化Firebase项目:在终端中,导航到Next.js应用程序的根目录,并运行以下命令以初始化Firebase项目: 这将引导您完成初始化过程。选择“Hosting”作为要设置的功能,并选择Firebase项目。 配置Firebase项目:在初始化过程中,您将被要求选择Firebase项目和设置一些配置选项。确保选择正确的Firebase项目,并将“public”目录作为要...
with Firebase Hosting example The goal is to host the Next.js app on Firebase Cloud Functions with Firebase Hosting rewrite rules so our app is served from our Firebase Hosting URL. Each individual page bundle is served in a new call to the Cloud Function which performs the initial...
Firebase App Hosting Cache-Control(NextJS) 我正试图为我的所有文件设置一年的cache-control,这些文件使用新的应用程序托管服务托管在Firebase中(我是Firebase的新手,但我曾使用过多个其他云,从未遇到过这个问题) 我更改为Firebase是因为Vercel不提供h3 Quic连接。 在我的NextJS配置中,我有以下规则: { source: '/:...
Now firebase hosting for nextjs is at par with vercel or netlify. An update on ArchNoob's answer: As of Next.js v13.4.19,next export is no longer needed, next build would suffice if you just have output in next.config.js like this: const nextConfig = { output: 'export' }; Furt...
Hosting 1、ASP.NET 路由使您可以使用不必映射到网站中特定文件的 URL。 由于该 UR ...
NextJS deployed on Firebase App Hosting cannot set cookie I'm trying to set a cookie on my Next.js app, it's working on local server and another remote server, but Firebase App Hosting is not adding properly the cookie at the moment of sending the response. I've read this: Cookie is...
with Firebase Hosting example The goal is to host the Next.js app on Firebase Cloud Functions with Firebase Hosting rewrite rules so our app is served from our Firebase Hosting URL. Each individual page bundle is served in a new call to the Cloud Function which performs the initial ...
我正在尝试使用firebase-tools拥有的web框架选项将Next JS应用程序部署到Firebase主机。我遇到的唯一问题是,当我试图使用firebase-admin来获取数据或做任何与之相关的事情时,它似乎永远不会初始化。这就是我初始化它的方式,它在本地工作: firebase/firebaseAdminInit.ts ...
JavaScript 是用于构建 Web 应用程序的最流行的脚本语言之一。本书向您介绍了 ReactJS 和 Firebase,这两者在您学习现代 Web 应用程序开发时可能会遇到。它们都用于构建快速、可扩展和实时的用户界面,这些界面使用数据,并且可以随时间变化而无需重新加载页面。
Hosting triggered HTTPS function quickstart: Big BenNode 1st gen This quickstart demonstrates using Cloud Functions with an HTTPS trigger that's triggered through a Firebase Hosting URL. The function will display a repeated number of "BONG"s depending on the hour of the day....