Check Firebase console - everything is fine. Sign out Try to sign in again using same It shows the Create account UI again instead of the Sign in UI even though the account exists for this email! If you try to Sign up again, you get an error: This email already exis...
home.routeName); } on FirebaseAuthException catch (e) { // In case of error // if email already exists // # 5 if (e.code == "email-already-in-use") { print("The account with this email already exists."); } if (e.code == 'weak-password') { // If password is too weak...
如果数组为空,则表示用户不存在。 调用检查用户存在的方法:在需要检查用户是否存在的地方,可以调用上述的checkUserExists方法。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 let email = "" checkUserExists(email: email) { (exists) in if exists { print("User exists") } else { print("User does not ex...
An example project repo exists to demonstrate and validate the functionality of this plugin: Please use this as a working reference. Before reporting any issues, please (if possible) test against the example project to rule out causes exte...
.signIn(withEmail: email, password: password) { authResult, error in if let ...
我的代码是: func checkIfUsernameExists() { let db = Firestore.firestore() let usernameSearch = db.collection("users") let username = usernameTextField.text!.trimmingCharacters 浏览3提问于2020-06-11得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 如何使用PHP将记录从远程SQL Server2005复制到本地mySQL? 、、、 伙计...
虽然这半编码,我试图回调方法 isCheckEmail:- privatevoidRegisterAccount(Stringfirstname,Stringlastname,Stringemail,Stringpassword,Stringconfirmpass) {if(TextUtils.isEmpty(email)) { Toast.makeText(Signup.this,"Enter your email address.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }elseif(!isValidEmail(email)) ...
)); ("ERROR_ACCOUNT_EXISTS_WITH_DIFFERENT_CREDENTIAL", "An account already exists with the same email address but different sign-in credentials. Sign in using a provider associated with this email address.")); ("ERROR_EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE", "The email address is already in use by another...
(document,error)inifletdocument=document,document.exists{"Document data:\(data)")}else{print("Document does not exist")}}}// 更新文档数据funcupdateDocument(){letwashingtonRef=db.collection("cities").document("DC")// 更新单个字段并启用截断写入(Check-And-Set)机制...