应用分发Firebase App Distribution 是一个提供用户跨 Android 和 iOS 平台的 beta 测试程序全面视图的功能。用户可以在新版本的生产阶段之前收到有用的反馈。 (40)用户可以使用 CI 服务器或控制台发送早期版本的应用程序。对于测试人员来说,应用程序的安装也变得更加容易。
App Distribution Firebase App Distribution is a feature that offers a comprehensive view of a user’s beta testing program across the Android and iOS platforms. Users can receive useful feedback before the production phase of a new release. (40) A user can send early versions of applications u...
Although Firebase serves many purposes, most app developers use it as a real-time database. It’s good for data storage, I agree. But, if you want to perform analytics on top of that, Firebase wouldn’t be the best choice due to some limitations, like limited querying capabilities. Fir...
Firebase has evolved into a comprehensive suite featuring around 20 tools, such as crash reporting, app distribution, real-time databases, cloud services, machine learning capabilities, and more. Since 2019, however, Google has decelerated Firebase's development, scaling back on enhancements and retra...
Using Firebase Dynamic Links allows criminals to direct victims to different locations. For example, based on the platform they are using, the OS version, or whether they have a specific app installed. Combined with aneasy-to-use APIto generate many URLs in bulk, it creates additional layers ...
MidJourney Prompt Library is a PyQt5-based application integrated with Firebase API, designed to provide users with access to an extensive collection of AI-generated digital artworks. - yx-elite/midjourney-prompt-library-app
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an "aggregate"...
poll-and-diff is used as afallback strategyfor oplog tailing whenever an app server falls behind. But this obviously comes at the cost of potential staleness anddoes not help, if there are more than a few active real-time queries. To leverage maximum performance, it is ther...