Define fireball. fireball synonyms, fireball pronunciation, fireball translation, English dictionary definition of fireball. n. 1. A brilliantly burning sphere. 2. A highly luminous, intensely hot spherical cloud of dust, gas, and vapor generated by a nu
Liam Quinn, USA TODAY, 1 Mar. 2023 In what’s known as the City of Lights, people even in Paris shared video of the fireball careening across the night sky. Danielle Wallace, Fox News, 14 Feb. 2023 This video of the fireball is from April Bishop in Hayden. Leada Gore | Lgore...
— Among the three large camera networks carrying out fireball observations through the seventies and eighties, the "European Fireball Network" is the last one still in operation. The network today consists of more than 34 all-sky and fi... J.,OBERST,S.,... - 《Meteoritics & Planetary ...
If you were looking up at the sky for some reason late Thursday night in Missouri, you got quite a surprise. An enormous fireball suddenly zoomed across the sky and exploded on the horizon and a backyard camera captured it as it happened. Get our free mobile app Dan Bush of Missouri Sk...
Is it today Fireball in the sky Fireball in the sky Hey little boy with a cowboy gun His momma picks him up he starts to run He laughs out loud he thinks it's a game The alarm goes off in the liquor store The trucks roll by with a thunderous roar ...
— Among the three large camera networks carrying out fireball observations through the seventies and eighties, the "European Fireball Network" is the last one still in operation. The network today consists of more than 34 all-sky and fish-eye cameras deployed with ∼100 km spacing and ...
TheAmerican Meteorological Societysaid it received 23 reports from witnesses who believed they saw a meteor streaking through the Florida sky. However, the organization does not believe the sighting was a natural object at all, but rather space debris, and possibly even a Chinese satellite. ...
“Ugh! Can’t believe it happens,” they wrote. “Glowing orbs, circles, lights. All in different spots around the sky. Two bright ones, multiple orange and a multitude of small or dull blue/white. My phone camera picked them up better than my eyes for the dull ones but the bright ...
Residents across Southern California can breathe a sigh of relief: what you saw last night really was a meteor, not a plane crashing. SEE ALSO:Fireball video provokes UFO debate because we're desperate for aliens The meteor wasspotted in the night sky acrossthe southern portion of the state...
An unusual green meteor recently exploded as it plummeted through the sky over Australia, giving off a brilliant flash of light that could be seen for miles and a loud bang that stunned local residents below. Cameras at Cairns Airport in Queensland captured a video of the exploding meteor, kno...