Firearms Owners Against Crime is a political action committee registered in the state of Pennsylvania dedicated to reviewing candidates in strict favor of pro-2nd amendment policies.
FIREARMS & crimeFIREARMSFIREARMS ownersCAUSES of deathFIREARMS ownershipMORTALITYCRIMES against studentsFocuses on the source of firearms used by students in school-associated violent deaths in the United States. Number of violent deaths occurring in schools between the years of 1992 a...
Mississippi Gun Owners Petition Legislators Constitutional Carry Equals Less Crime Jeb Bush Endorses Obama’s Plan to Take Away Second Amendment Rights Maryland Deputy Attorney General: “we should ban guns altogether, period” Our Radicalized Jihadist President Attacks American ...
importation of firearms, ammunition, or parts thereof, in order to provide legal support to law enforcement agencies in their campaign against crime, stop the proliferation of illegal firearms or weapons and the illegal manufacture of firearms or weapons, ammunition and parts thereof.SEC...
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) — Authorities say three Rochester men have been charged with stealing numerous firearms from a western New York gun store during break-ins four days apart last month.
Safety is an issue that should concern all firearms owners. Unfortunately there is a lot of hype about safety that totally ignores the real issues in the name of political correctness--that is, blaming something other than one's self when a screw-up occurs. ...
themselves in response to a pandemic-related loss; (3) experiences of unfair treatment attributed to the pandemic (eg, being threatened, harassed, or physically assaulted); and (4) firearm and ammunition acquisition and firearm storage practices (among current firearm owners) in response to the ...
In theCrime Classification Manual, FBI criminal profilers discuss two basic mass murder prototypes: "classic mass murder" and "family mass murder." A classic mass murder commonly involves "a mentally disordered individual" whose problems have increased to the point that he acts out against groups ...
Was created in June 2017. The concept and goal was and is, a group for all law abiding firearms owners in N.J. to share information. This is not a political page. We have some of the best people in N.J. to answer your questions here. ...
aIt is well known that many crimes in the United States are committed with firearms. Less adequately documented is the frequency with which victims use guns in self-defense. We used National Crime Victimization Survey data to examine incidents where victims employed guns against offenders. Between ...