Of those that had used a firearm, 67% had completed a firearm safety training course. Overall, 23% were/had been members of a school or club shooting team and of these, 87% had taken a safety course. Conclusions: Most FFA member participants had fired both rifles/shotguns and handguns,...
To determine the proportion of unintentional and undetermined firearm related deaths preventable by three safety devices: personalization devices, loaded chamber indicators (LCIs), and magazine safeties. A personalized gun will operate only for an authorized user, a LCI indicates when the gun contains ...
The primary objective of the current study was to examine the perspective of firearm stakeholders, including firearm safety course instructors, members of law enforcement, and firearm retailers, with regard to the implementation of an evidence-based approach to firearm safety promotion, the Firearm ...
A firearm safety device invention for handguns is disclosed. The safety device () prevents accidental firing of a gun by children, but is easily removable by an adult in 5 to 10 seconds even in pitch darkness. The safety device includes a lock sleeve () with an expandable end plug () ...
A firearm safety device for installation into an otherwise functional firearm for disabling the firearm with respect to chambering and firing a round of ammunition and thereby enabling the firearm to be used as a training firearm. The functional firearm includes, among other items, a removable ...
A firearm safety device for installation into an otherwise functional firearm for disabling the firearm with respect to chambering and firing a round of ammunition and thereby enabling the firearm to be used as a training firearm. The functional firearm includes, among other items, a removable ...
Hand firearm with safety device for a tensioning element
The invention relates to a safety device for a portable firearm. The inventive\nsafety device\ncomprises a pivoted lever (5) that can be pivoted into the path of travel of\nthe firing pin piece (1)\nof the weapon for putting on safety and thus hinders said piece from having an\nimpact...