CA Firearm Safety Exam prep Are you looking to obtain your firearm safety certificate so that you can purchase a firearm in California? This course will walk you through all of the information that you will be tested on. MORE INFORMATION REGISTER NOW Online firearm safety course Our familiar...
CA DOJ Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC) Instructor Course CalGunsTraining Recognized by California DOJ as providing firearms safety training comparable to the entities specified by Penal Code section 12804(j) ONSITE TRAINING Train your personnel at your location ALL in one day Sporting Goods ...
CA Firearm Safety Exam prep Are you looking to obtain your firearm safety certificate so that you can purchase a firearm in California? This course will walk you through all of the information that you will be tested on. MORE INFORMATION ...
unpublished data, 1995-1996). In 1996, CDHS began passive surveillance of "severe" firearm-related injuries (i.e., resulting in death or hospitalization) with resources provided by the California Wellness Foundation.1To characterize firearm-related ...
California: Handgun Purchase and Possession Is a permit required to purchase a handgun in California? Handgun purchasers must either possess a Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC) plus successfully complete a safety demonstration with their recently purchased handgun or qualify for an FSC exemption (including...
authority to disarm people whose possession of firearms would pose an unusual danger, beyond the ordinary citizen, to themselves or others," Sanchez wrote. "The temporary disarmament of Fencl and Perez-Garcia as a means reasonably necessary to protect public safety falls within that hi...
From a public health perspective, of course, the solution is tight regulatory control over firearms, including rigorous background checks, safety rules, and the types of firearms permitted. Here are 4 reforms to keep us safer: Dedicate Federal Funding for Firearms Research ...
Firearm ownership and acquisition in California: findings from the 2018 California Safety and Well-being SurveyObjective To describe the prevalence of and factors associated with firearm ownership; the types, subtypes and quantity of firearms owned; and when, where and why firearms were acquired in ...