Open carry firearm laws are being debated across the countryANNEMARIE GREEN
Youth-focused, evidence-based firearm policy is another component of firearm-related injury prevention at the population level. Child Access Prevention (CAP) laws aim to motivate secure firearm storage by imposing liability on adults who permit children to have unsupervised access to firearms. CAP law...
Extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws, also known as "red flag laws," which prohibit individuals at risk of harming themselves or others from purchasing or owning a firearm by acourt order, are also becoming more common among states. If there are firearms in the home, evidence shows tha...
Place long guns with the barrels pointed down to prevent oil from seeping into the stock. Four Main Rules for Safe Shooting Rule 1:Consider every gun to be loaded, even if you think you know that a gun is not loaded. Never assume that a gun isn’t loaded. Rule 2:Do not aim a fi...
Google+ LinkedIn Pinterest share Biden Promises Full Fledged “Assault Weapons” Ban If Democrats Win Just 2 Senate Seats In November At a recent rally, President Joe Biden claimed that the Democrats will unveil a full-on “assault weapons” ban, should the Democrats manage to add just… ...
ERPO laws are now being implemented in 21 states and the District of Columbia and have become a central component of a bipartisan strategy to reduce the toll of gun deaths.1-3 Yet within academia, as the article by Miller et al4 makes clear, questions persist: Do ERPOs actually save ...
Demographic Characteristics of 703 Households With Children (Age <18 Years) and Firearms, by Firearm Storage Practices, United States, 1994* To address the instability of these census region estimates, the South was compared with the rest of the country. Southern households were more likely (17.6...
By Austin Williams Published May 9, 2024 10:21pm EDT Gun Laws Fox TV StationsBiden's new gun background check rules Thousands of firearms dealers will have to run background checks at gun shows and other places outside of brick-and-mortar stores. The incidence of firearms being ...
A felon is someone who was convicted of a felony in California or any other state, government, or country. A felon also includes any person convicted of a felony violating a federal law for which a felony sentence was imposed or was sentenced to a federal correctional facility for more than...
Policies and programs designed to prevent firearm-related harm are operating or are under consideration in jurisdictions across the country.2 Extreme risk protection order (ERPO) laws, sometimes referred to as “red flag” laws, have gained traction since the February 2018 mass shooting at Marjory ...