All the installed apps on the Fire TV Stick collect cache data in the background to load the content quickly. An app collecting lots of cache data may lead to the app not opening on the device. You must clear cache data for the troubling app on the Fire TV Stick. Here’s how. Step...
I've been using apple tv on my amazon firestick for a few months. Recently, I've had an issue where the apple tv app won't load. It gets stuck on the icon and just freezes. Two things have seemed to work, but only sometimes. These solutions don't always work, so they aren't ...
fire tv st..2. 已adb授权设备是一台Android手机的情况,购置fire tv专用的otg线及USB网卡(我当时用的是绿联的网卡),通过网线、USB网卡、otg线使fire tv stick 4K与路由器与
最好的解决方案是将两个装置重启并重新配对。通过拔掉亚马逊FireTV的电源,然后重新接通电源。确保亚马逊fireTV棒已经完全充电,然后按住主页按钮5-10秒,再次配对遥控器。 低电池电量 更换遥控器中的电池。检查电池下方的弹簧,确保电池与金属完全接触。要获得访问电池和更换步骤的指南,请参阅本指南。
2回复贴,共1页 <返回firetv吧fire tv stick 一直卡在这个画面 只看楼主收藏回复 删的一手好贴哎 抢个沙发 2 大家帮我看看这是怎么回事 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2021-12-16 21:46回复 tianl10973 1L喂熊 1 我也正卡这,今天服务器有问题? 来自Android客户端2楼2021-12-16 22:54 回复 ...
Fire tv st..Fire tv stick 最近开机总是提示连不到互联网,按下面的重启猫,路由,也解决不了?请问有人遇到过吗?不是梯子问题,开机就联不上,按英文提示,关光猫,关路由器,重启就好了。
Private Internet Access plays well with the Fire TV Stick, and the large network of servers should help you always find a secure and stable connection for streaming. You also get 10 simultaneous connections with Private Internet Access, meaning it's a great option if you stream on multiple dev...
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