fire tv cu..CUBE太折腾了,unlock bootloader后,后期升级和恢复出厂设置,就马上变砖。但是和am6b不同的是,感觉画面明亮些,接近LG c9weboskodi的感觉。折腾一天值回票价,OTG
亚马逊本周四揭晓了其“Fire”系列的新成员——“Fire TV Cube”。这款产品不仅具备Alexa语音控制功能,还能流式传输4K超高清视频,支持4K HDR内容。它集成了智能助理、HDMI CEC以及杜比全景声技术,为用户带来极致的视听体验。Fire TV Cube内置了八个麦克风,采用先进的波束形成技术,能够精准捕捉远场语音命令,同时抑...
Describe the bug Here is a clear and concise description of what the problem is: On FireTV Cube (HW v3) when playing a video file in kodi with dolby digital + 7.1 audio track, it is outputted as 5.1 Expected Behavior Here is a clear and concise description of what was expected to ha...
It seems ip vanish is causing problems with my fire tv cube since it updated to wireguard. I get a message ” connection issue / error code 1061 ” the media at the top of the fire tv homescreen will not play nor will my amazon music app. Prime Video and amazon music are only affect...
Amazon Fire TV Cube整体不大,初看还行,但是外壳使用的材质比较容易受损,务必不要用粗糙的纸或布擦拭。 镜面闪瞎眼,空气质量不好的情况下各种沾灰,而且不好擦,一擦一道细微划痕(阳光底下清晰可见,普通光照看不出来),不是很喜欢这样的材质 背面四个端口,从左往右为usb扩展口(可用于连接网卡、OTG设备)、红外扩展...
Most of the Fire TV Cube Reviews out there focus on the basics surrounding the device, how it works, and what it can do, but unfortunately, a lot of them fail to mention some of its biggest problems. For those of us who already have an Echo device in our homes, buying the...
「国外盒子系列」亚马逊 AMAZON Fire TV Cube (3rd Gen) 盒子全面拆解 “三人行,必有我师焉。”这句古训告诉我们,在追求卓越的道路上,每个人都可以成为我们的老师。通过拆解真机,我们发现了一些独特的微设计,这些设计理念对于追求行业领先性的设计师来说,无疑是一笔宝贵的财富。它们能够启发我们找到那些“不...
Amazon's new Fire TV Cube shows promise as a set-top box with hands-free voice controls, but after a short period of using the device, it is apparent there are some issues that need to be ironed out to make the Cube better.
亚马逊的Fire TV Cube是一个电视盒子,不过作为一个通用计算设备,它显然还能做一些播放4K视频之外的事情。根据亚马逊云官方博客,GeekWire和Liliputing的消息,亚马逊云近日推出了一款基于Fire TV Cube的瘦客户端,名为亚马逊WorkSpaces Thin Client。虽然是专用于亚马逊WorkSpaces虚拟桌面服务的设备,但WorkSpaces Thin Client...
商品评价: 4.1 低 物流履约: -- -- 售后服务: 4.0 低 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注对比 AMAZON Fire TV Cube 2nd Gen 二代 16GB 流媒体播放器海外直邮 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 进口税 税费信息 税费详情: 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- ...