虽然有点小遗憾,但毕竟有专台可选,也是不错的选择。 Plex & Kodi:家庭影院必备 如果你家里有NAS,那Plex和Kodi绝对是你的好帮手。4K视频流畅播放,支持Pass Through,小遥控器手感也超级好,简直是家庭影院的完美选择。希望这些推荐能帮到大家,让你们的观影体验更上一层楼!Happy Black Friday!🎉0 0 发表评论 发...
In order to continue watching, I have to stop KODI completely and restart it so that the sound is back as usual. I didn't have this problem before with version 20.0, regardless of the sound or video format. I have the same problem on a FireTV - Stick 4k max (1st gen.) with the...
With Kodi, you can watch all types of content. Kodi has plenty of streaming options, whether you love to watch movies or binge on TV shows. Using this app, you can stream live TV, sports, kids’ videos, and more. To start with Kodi, you only need the rightset of addons. The add...
本吧热帖: 1-求助firetv的wifi速度问题 2-遥控器上的快捷键怎么替换app 3-出全新自购fire TV 4k max 16G 4-请教一下几个问题 5-下不了软件 6-求助,这是咋回事,第一次打开就这样 7-火棒max一代和二代 8-Fire tv 9-关于fireTV的重置 10-出几台库存
Forum:Fire TV Original Android Development Thread[USB BOOTABLE OS] CoreELEC 21.2 for FireTV 2nd gen Cube (raven) Lightweight Linux distribution based on Kodi for Amlogic hardware Customizable skins --- Arctic Zephyr - Reloaded Boots from a USB flash drive on the 2nd gen FireTV Cube. FireOS ...
买回来试了下,接回音壁q990b上,用kodi播放本地视频,经常点不亮杜比音效,变成pcm,所以火棒是不支持本地源码透传吗 Pla坤坤 1-17 3 出全新自购fire TV 4k max 16G 幸福o小包子 出最新款的fire tv 4k MAX 16G。自购美亚官方自营,买了俩,卖一个回血。需要的评论 共6 张 幸福o小包子 1-11 1...
本吧热帖: 1-求助firetv的wifi速度问题 2-遥控器上的快捷键怎么替换app 3-出全新自购fire TV 4k max 16G 4-请教一下几个问题 5-下不了软件 6-求助,这是咋回事,第一次打开就这样 7-火棒max一代和二代 8-Fire tv 9-关于fireTV的重置 10-出几台库存
Unlock Fire Stick's potential! Discover hidden tips & tricks, cut the cord, and save $$$ on Fire TV, Kodi, apps, VPNs, IPTV & more at FireStickHow.com
适用:Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K,旧版本的火电视和电视棒也适用。 关键词:电视棒上安装鼠标,看中文电视直播和电视剧点播,突破IP限制,Kodi等等。。。 1. Settings -> My Fire TV -> Developer Options,打开选项: a. ADB debugging -> ON