1️⃣ 首先,连接好Firestick,进入设置-我的Fire TV-关于-Fire TV Stick 4K max(你的设备名称)-连续按7次,直到出现开发者选项(如果按多了直接进入开发者选项也没关系)。完成这一步后,进入Firestick自带的Appstore,下载Downloader应用。2️⃣ 打开Downloader应用,进入浏览器,在网址栏输入你要搜索的App名称,...
打开主页,点击Appstore,搜索Downloader并下载安装。第一个黄色的就是。重点1⃣️:先不要急着下载app,会有security问题。解决方法:进入Settings > FireTV stick > About,然后点7次就会看到Developer Options > Install unknown apps,找到Downloader,点一下出现ON。这一步就是让电视允许Developer这个app中再下载app,...
FireDL is somewhat similar to Downloader in the way it works. It allows you to install the APKs you need on Firestick using codes. There are specific codes for every app, and if you know the code for the app you wish to download, simply enter the code in the File URL line and dow...
步骤 1:启用未知来源的应用程序 前往Firestick主屏幕。导航至设置 > 我的Fire TV > 开发者选项。启用未知来源的应用程序。步骤2:安装下载器应用程序 从主屏幕,转到搜索图标并输入Downloader。选择下载器应用程序并点击下载。打开下载器应用。步骤3:下载并安装IPTV应用程序 在下载器应用程序中,输入您想要安装的IPTV...
Click the “Find”option on your FireStick home screen. Type “Downloader”in the search bar. Select the“Downloader”app from the results. Press “Download”. Once downloaded, click “Open”. Now that you have downloaded the “Downloader”, it is time tojailbreak it. ...
2. Stick自带的app store里安装Downloader和ES File Explorer File Manager 3. 【optional】用Downloader安装filelinked:输入 https://www.filelinked.com/ 4. 用Downloader或者filelinked安装Mouse Toggle for Fire TV version 1.06 (只有这个版本适用于Fire TV Stick 4K),选其中一种方式安装即可: ...
为此,请从Fire Stick的应用程序商店安装Downloader。输入您可以下载应用程序的地址,该页面将在Downloader的内置浏览器中打开。完成下载并在出现提示时安装。通过长按遥控器上的主屏幕按钮并选择应用程序来访问您的侧载应用程序。 故障排除 侧载VPN应用程序的缺点是并非所有这些都能正常工作。有些可能只是不兼容,而其他可能...
The easiest way to get a copy to side-load on the Amazon Firestick or Amazon Fire TV remains a direct download from the official site using Downloader. You can use the Downloader app, ES File Explorer, or any other application that lets you download and install Android installer files. ...
首先,按照Firetv stick的说明书完成setup。建议大家买带遥控器的版本,毕竟手里拿着遥控器比下载app模拟的遥控器方便多了。 第二步:开发者选项 🔧 接下来,找到设置里的my firetv,然后连续点击7下about,就会出现developer options这个选项。出现这个选项后,从downloader里下载并安装应用。回到这里,点击install unknown...
And that will be all that you need in order to set up your Firestick for a perfect Jailbreak process. Let us consider the next part of the process. Install Downloader On Firestick Now, the next thing that you have to do is to install Downloader on the Firestick. The Downloader app is...