ISO 6944 (1985) was adopted as the test standard for fire-rated ducting - this was renamed British Standard 476 Part 24 (1987) and has since been the main test standard for ducting. The purpose of this standard is to measure the ability of a ductwork system to resist the spread of ...
Fire-rated Duct System Non-Coated Ductwork System tested as an Assembly Approved for Stability and Integrity of up to 4-hours Approved for Insulation of up to 3-hours Tested to BS476 Part 24 (ISO6944) Type A & Type B and EN-1366 — Part 1, Part 8 & Part 9 ...
Caswell FRD is a licensed manufacturer of CASWELL FIRESAFE® Fire Resistant Ductwork. We are specialists in the Passive Fire Protection field of FRD.
This same quality of fire resilience is what allows ROCKWOOL firestop insulation to prevent the spread of fire when installed. However, our range goes even further than just the insulation factor. It specifically addresses the optimal treatment of every element or building part which could weaken t...
efficient, non-brittle, strong and safe Multi-role insulation: fire protection, acoustic and thermal The requirements for ductwork fire protection Three performance criteria; stability, integrity and insulation, are required in equal measure for all ducts which pass through fire-rated walls or floors...
Once the smoke had passed through the ductwork, it entered a large empty circulation space known as an air plenum. Or at least, it should have been empty—the plenum above the casino in the MGM Grand contained hundreds of miles’ worth of electrical wiring, as well as several drain pi...
DuraSystems is the world leader in the development of fire and blast protection systems with over 30 years of industry experience and knowledge.
In commercial buildings, compartment walls and floors will have a prescribed fire-resistance period, which means that the performance criteria of load-bearing capacity (stability), integrity and insulation have been met for durations of between 30 and 240 minutes. It is therefore vitally important ...