More National Fire Prevention Month tips When it comes to keeping our families and homes safe, there are many other steps we can take to prevent fires. Make sure smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are working. Place a fire detector every level of the home and test them monthly. ...
October isFire Prevention Month, and I wanted to share some basic fire prevention tips to help keep your family and home a little safer. Smoke detectors Aaron Savage, Townsquare Media We all know we should have smoke detectors in our homes, but do you have enough of them? It's a good ...
House Fire Prevention month is the perfect time to talk to your family about fire safety. This includes testing your smoke alarms, changing the batters or upgrading to 10-year sealed battery alarm for hassle-free protection, and escape planning. Being prepared is your best defence against a ...
October is Fire Prevention Month. And since we’re spending more time at home than ever these days, having a fire safety plan is key for every household, especially for one with dogs. We all love our dogs, and the last thing we’d want to think about is one of them getting hurt in...
一、防火用电安全 Fire and Electrical Safety Tips 防火安全 Fire Safety 1. 学校宿舍内严禁使用明火。严禁使用酒精炉、煤油炉、蜡烛等可燃器具。严禁在宿舍内焚烧纸张等杂物。No open flames in the dormitory. Do not use alcohol stove, kerosene stove,...
Fire prevention week is underway and the theme this year is "Have 2 Ways Out." Are you prepared in case of a fire? There are some simple things you can do to protect your home from a fire. Any time I meet a firefighter, I always ask them what I should be doing to protect my ...
October is Fire Prevention Month which makes it the perfect time to gather your family and create a fire safety plan. From coming up with a fire evacuation plan to installing smoke and CO alarms, I have partnered withFirst Alertto share with you tips for creating your own fire safety plan ...
National Fire Prevention Month is winding down, but given the frequency of fire-related deaths and injuries, there's never a bad time to review fire safety tips with your family. In 2015 alone, more than 2,650 people died in household fires and an estimated 365,500 homes were damaged, ac...
Customer Service: 800.574.0330 Technical Support: 800.215.6138 Engineering Building Solutions Building Safety and Style with Custom Architectural Solutions CSWI’s Engineered Building Solutions segment manufactures custom architectural building components and innovative firestopping and smoke-rated products that ...