the securityand fire preventionsystems of banks in Hong Kong with a view to making recommendations for improvements to provide bank staff and the public with betterprotection? 譚耀宗議員問:主席先生,就最近匯豐銀行石硤尾分行發生縱火而引致多㆟傷 亡的事件,政府可否告知本局...
Safety of machinery. Fire prevention and fire protectiondoi:BS EN ISO 19353:2016BS EN ISO 19353:2016规定了识别机械引发火灾危险的方法\n以及进行风险评估.它给出了防火保护措施的基本概念和方法\n在机械设计和施工期间采取的措施.考虑预期用途的措施\n以及可以合理预见的机器误用.它提供了将机械火灾风险降至...
The new semester has begun. In order to help you understand safety knowledge, the International College will launch a series of articles on international students’ safety education. Today, let's get started with someknowledge abou...
ApplyriskmanagementprinciplestofiresafetyandfireprotectionissuesatValsparfacilities.在威士伯工厂,应使用风险管理的原理预防火灾。Identify识别Evaluate,and评估Control控制 Thetrainingwillallowyoutoevaluatefirepreventionandprotectionaspartofaneffectivesafetymanagementsystematyourfacility.通过培训,您能够评估您的工厂...
Fire prevention 1 日常防火注意事项 Daily fire prevention precautions (1)不乱扔未熄灭的烟头和其他火种,不在床上或沙发上吸烟,尤其是在酒后或疲劳时。 Do not throw unextinguished cigarette butts and other fires, and do not smoke on the bed or sofa, especially...
FIREPREVENTION火灾的预防 FIREPREVENTION火灾的预防 Watchoutfor:提防Spontaneouscombustion(stowinggreasylinen,cleaningrags,cleaningchemicalsandpresenceofflammablecleaningliquids,ormaterials)自燃(装载油脂的布草,抹布,化学清洁剂和可燃的清洁液或原料)Smokinginunauthorizedareas在严禁吸烟的...
We must take action to prevent fires. Fire prevention ___ everyone's duty. A. is B. are C. was D. were 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。本题考查时态和主谓一致。描述现在的状态且主语是“Fire prevention”,用单数,所以用“is”。反馈...
Passage 10Fire Prevention Information The University of Adelaide employs a full-time staff of fire prevention professionals. They inspect all campus buildings and test and maintain all sprinkler(喷水灭火装置) systems, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers(灭火器). They also provide educational programs ...
文明施工,火灾防护 HOUSEKEEPING, FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION 热度: 世界卫生组织疾病预防WHO,GLOBAL ACTION PLAN FOR THE PREVENTION & CONTROL OF NCD 2013-2020 (1) 热度: How to survive a fire accident--如何预防火灾英文介绍 热度: FirepreventionplanFirepreventionplan ...
1、Unit 17 Fire Protection Systems,飞行学院 wpcluke 上海工程技术大学,Teaching Plan,1.Technical terms 2.Abbreviations and acronyms3.Get familiar with fire protection systems4.Grammar,Composition of The Text,Part 1: General Part 2: Detection methods Part 3: Fire prevention and protection Part 4: ...