灭火预案(Fire-fighting preplan).doc,灭火预案(Fire-fighting preplan) Emergency evacuation plan for the hospital in affiliated hospitals of changchun university of Chinese medicine (draft) 03-25 17:05:32 by: overview of the first chapter of 487 In orde
See how a comprehensive and updated fire preplan for a property can help improve situational awareness and form a better icident response.
Use of Digital Terrain Data for Calculating Fire Rates of Spread with the Preplan Computer System - McRae - 1990R.H. McRae, "Use of digital terrain data for calculating fire rates of spread with the PREPLAN computer system," Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 13, 1990, p. 37-48....
1) preplan of fire-fighting operation and rescue 灭火救援预案例句>> 2) FPORP 消防灭火救援预案 例句>> 3) fire-fighting and rescue 灭火救援 1. The calculation and optimizing for the loop of fire-fighting and rescue based to the important dangerous source of fire fight; 基于重大危险源的...
1) fire protection and rescue preplan 防灾救援预案2) Loss Preventing and Salvaging 灾害预防与救援3) pre-planned scheme of rescue and prevention 防灾救灾预案4) emergency rescue and disaster prevention 救援防灾 1. Due to the features of Wushaoling tunnel, the Owner places great emphasis on ...