However, some of us are more anxious for this time than others. Many people even view retirement in different ways — from seeing it as a way to escape the day-to-day work life to viewing it as the end-point in a goal to be financially independent. For those who hope to retire befo...
Coast FIRE: This method involves saving adequately early on in life to allow investments room to compound over time, potentially enabling an individual to cease saving for retirement at an earlier age. Slow FI: This strategy centers on appreciating the path to financial independence by gradually in...
then letting interest take care of the rest until retirement. Some followers of this version may supplement income with a side gig to more quickly reach contribution goals. Coast FIRE is often referred to as Coast FI, as this method indexes toward financial independence—...
Coast FIRE: Saving and investing enough that you no longer need to make any contributions and can coast into retirement by the conventional age of 65. This method is best for those who aren't looking to rush into retirement. Fat FIRE: Imagine the opposite of Lean FIRE, where you plan on...
Initially, I did plan on more of a traditional retirement – hell, I even called it out when I named my blog “Route toRetire.” I had the dream of just sitting on the beach all day sipping piña coladas. But then I realized that would get old really fast. I always find ways to...
The same thing is true for the FIRE method you choose. It has to be the one that is sustainable and realistic. LeanFIRE is probably not sustainable for most people nor is FatFIRE realistic for most of us. But those two methods are extremes on opposite ends. The ones in the middle, mo...
My friend and I have been working on the launch of our new podcast,The Fire Drill podcast. We plan to talk about early retirement, side hustles, real estate, and all things FIRE. We both are two twenty-something female financial bloggers and I am a self-proclaimed girl boss and serious...
The FIRE Method to Reach Financial Independence What is the FIRE method and how do you live the FIRE lifestyle? Let’s dig into the five Financial Independence Retire Early principles. #1 Retirement Is a Number When people hear the word retirement, most of them think about old people playin...
The “financial independence retire early” (FIRE) movement is centered on achieving financial independence earlier than the traditional retirement framework, which, at least for Americans, is set up to enable people to retire at age 65 or older.Trending...
a method of extracting oil from a well by burning some of the oil to increase the rate of flow Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...