Mage Fire 11.1 Class Set 4pc) grant a significant buff to both your damage during Combustion, and how often you cast Combustion. Due to this, Unleashed Inferno overtakes Sun King's Blessing as the best capstone talent, which is quite a different playstyle. Pyrotechnics has been buffed to no...
it synergizes super strong with the T12 4-Set bonus and the talentHot Streakand Fire Mages do the most damage in Cata), any weapon from Firelands is an upgrade to the Phase 1 weapons. This list is still subject to changes, due to changes in the sim/new findings in the Mage Discord....
We will be pushing Mythic progression on a light schedule, with the talent and abilities to do so. Come prepared to raid! Of course, beyond the raiding aspect, we are rolling mythic keys and some members enjoy the PVP aspect as well. Casual players are always welcome to come and we will...
Possibly stronger slow but that's not a guaranteed talent Two Ice Blocks (except not really because most mages blow Cold Snap in the first eight seconds for two frostfire orbs) Terrifying burst (perhaps not utility) Fire Utility: 5% crit Cast while moving AOE slow AOE disorient Can su...
3 Dont just blindly reforge everything to haste, change your hit gems in excess to int gems and reforge mastery into hit ie your cloak ( of you look at the mage talent hotstreak, with your current crit levels you are still under the first tier of it, you want to be moving to the ...