MS-9600(UD)LS Components and Ordering Information •W-BG12LX : Wireless addressable pullstation. Requires (4) CR-123A batteries (included).•W-BG12LXSP : Wireless addressable pullstation. Spanish text.Requires (4) CR-123A batteries (included).•W-GATE: Fire•Lite Wireless SWIFT ...
The Fire•Lite MS-9600 is a compact, cost-effective, intelli-gent addressable fire alarm control panel with a capacity of 636 addressable Fire•Lite devices on two loops (2 nd loop optional). A single Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) loop sup-ports up to 159 smoke detectors and 159 ...
requires two motions to activate the station) pull station that includes an addressable interface (mounted inside) for Fire·Lite's addressable fire alarm control panels (FACPs) Because the BG-12LX is addressable, the control panel can display the exact location of the activated manual st...
MS-9600 Rev. 2/DACT-UD: Intelligent Address-able FACP with Optional 2nd Loop Addressable DF-52395:A • A1-90 52103ph1.jpg General The Fire•Lite MS-9600 is a compact, cost-effective, intelligent addressable fire alarm control panel with a capacity of 318addressable Fire•Lite devices ...
The Fire•Lite MS-9200 is a compact, cost-effective, addres-sable fire alarm control panel with a capacity of 198 Fire•Lite 300 Series devices. A single Signaling Line Circuit (SLC)loop supports up to 99 smoke detectors and 99 control or monitor modules. The panel uses surface-mount ...
(oBr4)Bi4s) is aboaubto5u0t%50l%onlgoenrgtehratnhathnatthoaft Sopf eScpimeceimn eBn1 B(o1r(Bor3)B, 3w),hwichhicimh pimliepslitehsattheamt ebmedbdedindginlognlgointguidtuindailnal reinrefoinrcfoermceemntesnitnscirnecarseeasstehsethfierefirreesriestsaisntcaencsiegsniigfniciafinctalnyt....
Also, multispectral cameras, such as Tetracam ADC Lite [41] or MicaSense RedEdge [42], have been chosen to perform aerial surveys. For its part, the Parrot SEQUOIA (Parrot SA, Paris, France) is a novel and affordable multispectral camera released on the market in early 2016, whose imagery...