Do you need fire safety or cylinder repair and testing services in the Seattle area? Contact Fire King today!
Viking EMEA, a key player in the fire protection industry, offers fire protection solutions across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.
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《七宗罪》 Fire King是美国 Anchor Hocking 玻璃厨具老厂的一个子品牌,1942年起开始生产。Anchor Hocking在二战期间接了大量的军方订单,为其提供厨房用品。这些产品因厚实、容易收纳、耐热、耐腐蚀,非常受到军方的喜爱。图上的这款杯子是 Fire King 的Jadeite系列(Jadeite,“硬玉”)。这种绿色有着半透明的质感,像是...
A Technical Manager with our Fire Protection Department, Mr. Jilani was named Employee of the Year equally for being a hard worker and team player, and an exceptional engineer noted for his innovative ideas. SAS Engineers and Supervisors Receive Advanced Trainings ...
WAGNER Fire Safety Canada Ltd. is a leading expert in fire protection systems in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Rely on better solutions in fire protection for various of industries.
本公司生产销售信号蝶阀 蝶阀,提供信号蝶阀专业参数,信号蝶阀价格,市场行情,优质商品批发,供应厂家等信息.信号蝶阀 信号蝶阀 品牌美国威景|产地上海|价格1300.00元|公称直径100cm|重量100kg|材质球墨铸铁|型号HPW|功能开关|颜色黑色|适用范围消防|功能用途开关|是否进口是上
🌍 Fire-King,这个源自十九世纪末期的品牌,是Anchor Hocking玻璃器皿厂的骄傲之作。在二战期间,它因提供质地厚实、易于收纳、耐热且耐高温的玻璃用品而声名大噪。💪🎨 40年代到50年代初,Fire-King的标志性设计独具匠心。早期的标志采用较为正规的字体,随后演变为更具艺术感的花体字,带有“GLASS”字样的版本尤为...