Valve Opening Size 4-1/2" 5-1/4" Catalog Number A - 421 HP A - 423 HP Hydrant Styles 3 - way 3 - way • Mueller/Albertville, Ala, year of manufacture, main valve opening size, 350 WP, AWWA Fire Main Hydrant, and 584 N is cast on barrel between groundline flange and bonnet...
The set has fire-station-themed features like an adjustable fire hydrant hose, swing gate and garage door to enhance the play experience. Kids can park additional cars on dedicated parking spots for convenient storage and accessibility. One Hot Wheels f...
--Hydrant color codes --USAR structure triage markings --Fire extinguisher reference --Building construction reference --Follow the Hose guide INCIDENT RESPONSE CHECKLISTS --Arson, chimney fire, CO emergency, commercial fire, confined space, decon, foam use, gas leak, hazmat, high rise fire, lan...