The installation is used for fighting a fire in a high rise building and comprises a helicopter which can be held stationary at the required level. This aircraft carries a water tank which supplies water under high pressure, through a suitable turbine pump in the tank. This water is directed...
Although building codes establish the minimum requirements for the design of a high-rise building, additional life safety features are often necessary to mitigate the issues deriving from their complexity and the additional difficulties in fire-fighting and rescue operations. The perspective of the techn...
This invention is an exterior fire fighting and evacuation system for high rise buildings. A pair of parallelly disposed vertical trollies are attached to the side of the building on opposite sides of
Because of the variety of the functions in high-rise hotels,the fire-fighting warning system is a key difficulty of the fire-fighting system. this thesis puts forward thoughts and ideas on how to apply the standards for the design of fire-fighting warning systems in high-rise hotels through ...
1.A Study on the Balconies to Reduce Smoke of Fires in High-rise Building Hires;阳台在高层建筑火灾中阻隔火灾烟气的研究 2.High-rise Building Fire fighting Equipment Configuration Analysis高层建筑火灾扑救装备配置需求探讨 3.Fire prevention faeility as an etfective weapon against highrise building fire...
fire fighting safety but beyond the fire fighting standard of high-rise buildings in practical engineering.The assessment of steps and processes for fire fighting safety of high-rise building basement were proposed also.The results indicated that the fire fighting remedies in this high-rise building ...
Designofwatersupplyanddrainageandfirefightingsystem forhighriseresidentialbuildings Abstract:thehigh-riseresidentialwatersupplyanddrainage designandfirecontrolsystemoftenhavesomeproblems,sowe elaboratedesignandconstruction,someproblemsuserslisten tothein-depthinvestigationandstudy,afterrepeated refining,practiceandpracticecan...
high-rise buildings, fire fighting, rescue trapped persons of building exterior wall. "High regulation" 4.1.7: the high-rise building has at least one long side or surrounding the length of the 1/4 and not less than a long side length should not be ...
The present invention relates to a fire extinguishing system for a building, which injects and supplies fire water in an upper layer unit of the building to the lower part when fire breaks out in a high-rise building and injects the fire water by controlling an injection direction. The fire...
7. Don’t go backNever go back into a burning building! 【1】The passage is mainly about to look after yourself when you are on fireB.what to do when you are caught in a fireC.when to leave the burning placeD.why to call 119 when there is a fire【2】When a fire...