The inspector allows you to tailor each sound's settings to your needs. Set the tile name and color, add helpful emoji, and much more. Tweak with the Edit Window Need to remove a portion of audio or adjust fades? Farrago’s built-in audio editor makes it a snap. ...
UITextViewDIYEmojiExample - UITextView编辑时插入自定义表情-简单的图文混编。 ZSSRichTextEditor - 适用于iOS的富文本WYSIWYG编辑器,支持语法高亮和源码查看。ZSSRichTextEditor包含所有WYSIWYG标准的编辑器工具。 DTCoreText - 可以解析HTML与CSS最终用CoreText绘制出来,通常用于在一些需要显示富文本的场景下代替低性能的...
The inspector allows you to tailor each sound's settings to your needs. Set the tile name and color, add helpful emoji, and much more. Tweak with the Edit Window Need to remove a portion of audio or adjust fades? Farrago’s built-in audio editor makes it a snap. ...
The inspector allows you to tailor each sound's settings to your needs. Set the tile name and color, add helpful emoji, and much more. Tweak with the Edit Window Need to remove a portion of audio or adjust fades? Farrago’s built-in audio editor makes it a snap. ...