Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest Players are plunged into the chaotic world of Nohr, a kingdom in conflict with its neighboring land, Hoshido. The game centers on the character Corrin, who must navigate familial loyalty and honor. Choosing Nohr sets the stage for a challenging campaign laden with...
Following the 'revival' of the series, Fire Emblem Fates stepped things up a gear with a two-pronged assault. Comprised of two separate games, the Birthright campaign had you siding with your blood relatives in Hoshido while Conquest saw protagonist Corrin siding with the kingdom of Nohr. Th...
Henry: I can't remember BEING upset. Folks here are so nice, and even bad guys are pretty great when they splatter. When life gives ya lemons, use 'em to ward off scurvy. That's what I say! Sully: No anger, no frustration, an unusually upbeat attitude... I'm starting to see ho...
Pour ceux qui n'ont pas eu vent de l'actualité récente du jeu, signalons que Hinoka, Takumi, Elise, Sakura, Camilla et Leo ont rejoint le clan des personnages jouables pour représenter les familles Hoshido et Nohr de Fire Emblem Fates. Côté système de jeu, une option coopérative...