Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest Players are plunged into the chaotic world of Nohr, a kingdom in conflict with its neighboring land, Hoshido. The game centers on the character Corrin, who must navigate familial loyalty and honor. Choosing Nohr sets the stage for a challenging campaign laden with...
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright/Conquest Released on June 25, 2015 音楽を再生するPlay停止するStop Music 音楽を再生するPlay停止するStop Music Official Website The peace-loving kingdom of Hoshido strives to resist the expansionism of the kingdom of Nohr.Corrin, a royal of Nohr and the pla...
Fire Emblem Fates gibt es in zwei Versionen mit verschiedenen Handlungen. In Fire Emblem Fates: Vermächtnis schließt du dich den Hoshido an, und in Fire Emblem Fates: Herrschaft kämpfst du an der Seite der Nohr. Später kannst du die gesamte Tiefe der Geschichte in Fire Emblem...
・ Two new songs have been added to the Concert Hall: "Puppets Don't Shed Tears" from the Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem game and "Time of Retribution" from the Fire Emblem Fates game. ■ Summoner Duels has been updated ○ You can increase your Favor Level to level4,900. ...
Here's the ultimate list of all Fire Emblem games in chronological order along with unique descriptions of each game!
Fire Emblem Fates is a Japanese tactical role-playing game for the Nintendo 3DS, developed by Intelligent Systems, and published by Nintendo. It is the fourteenth game in the Fire Emblem series. It was released in Japan on June 25, 2015 and international
Gallery of official artwork and character designs from Fire Emblem Fates, featuring concept art for the game's characters by artist Yusuke Kozaki.
This DLC is themed around Fire Emblem Fates. New Playable Characters: Azura, Oboro, and Niles. Three new History Mode maps, each retelling a story from the Fire Emblem franchise. New Costumes: Takumi, Butler; Camilla, Maid; Corrin, Hoshido Noble (Fema
game, the Fire Emblem takes the role of a pivotal object or a symbol of importance in the plot. Examples of these forms include theBinding ShieldinFire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light,Lehran's Medallionin theTellius Series, and the Omega form of theYatoinFire Emblem Fates. ...
Fire Emblem Fates will, in a series first, allow for the possibility of same-sex marriage between the player's avatar and another character.