Gallery of official artwork and character designs from Fire Emblem Fates, featuring concept art for the game's characters by artist Yusuke Kozaki.
Of the 144010 characters on Anime Characters Database, 59 are from the video game Fire Emblem: Blazing Blade.
game, the Fire Emblem takes the role of a pivotal object or a symbol of importance in the plot. Examples of these forms include theBinding ShieldinFire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light,Lehran's Medallionin theTellius Series, and the Omega form of theYatoinFire Emblem Fates. ...
The video game character Camilla is a 成人 with hip / past hip length 紫色 hair and 紫色 eyes.
Fire Emblem Engage follows on from Fire Emblem: Three Houses with even more tactical RPG goodness. In the lead-up to the new entry's release, Engage's main character designer Mika Pikazo has been sharing artwork of the heroes and antagonists in the game via social media. H...
Corrin is the default name of the main playable Avatar character in Fire Emblem Fates. Engage goes with the female version of Corrin, who is a royal that has the power to transform into a dragon.You unlock her Emblem in Chapter 15. ...
Est also shares her English voice actress, Brianna Knickerbocker, with Fates' Sakura, Charlotte and Ninian (from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade) in her appearance in Heroes. Est, alongside her sisters, is the most recurring playable character in the series, being playable in 8 games out of ...
Another familiar face for Smash fans out there, Corrin is the hero of Fire Emblem Fates and joins the roster of available summons in Fire Emblem: Engage. With the ability to stop opponents in their tracks for a full turn, Corrin is perfect for those moments in battle when you need to re...
火纹无双DLC人物公布: Fire Emblem Fates :Azura Niles Oboro Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon:Navarre Minerva Linde Fire Emblem Awakening:Owain Tharja Olivia
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